More men seeing counsellors? - - Cheltenham - Gloucestershire Counselling Service

2015-05-28 | andreaberry

Im pleased to say that this does seem the case! Although the figures could always be better, a survey of 250 Counsellors in 2014 revealed that compared to 5 years ago 62% had a higher percentage of male clients. So more men are seeking help than before, why is this? Im wondering if it is because of the shifting of the attitudes about gender roles in the past years and also the growing recognition of the benefits of counselling. Numbers are still low but its progress, which can only be good.Of course men in the past may have felt silenced through their gender roles and felt that they couldnt express their emotions, but I really hope this change is the start of a bigger change in society where men feel they too are allowed to talk about their feelings! Are you a man who could benefit from someone to talk to? Give me a call or email me for more info.